Accumulative account for Natural incorporators



List names of all investors


Please provide details about newly established company's director (manager).
Director - manager of a newly established company as indicated in the Deed of Incorporation.


Please provide details about newly established company's incorporators.


Restricted countries and industries list

Please describe. Type of income can be:
1. Active - company is generating revenue from business activities;
2. Passive - passive income is typically; dividends, interest, rent, royalties, payments from life insurance, certain other insurance income, profits from the sale of assets that provide passive income, profits from commodity sales, foreign exchange earnings and profits from derivatives. Rent that derives from active work of employees, i.e. the entity has employees, is generally not seen as passive income.

Source of Wealth refers to the origin of the person’s entire body of wealth (i.e., total assets). This information will usually give an indication as to the volume of wealth the Customer would be expected to have, and a picture of how they acquired such wealth. Source of Wealth could be: income from salary, inheritance, gift/ donation, savings/ deposits, company profit/ dividends, sales (of property, shares), loan/ investments, etc.


Restricted countries and industries list

Please describe. Type of income can be:
1. Active - company is generating revenue from business activities;
2. Passive - passive income is typically; dividends, interest, rent, royalties, payments from life insurance, certain other insurance income, profits from the sale of assets that provide passive income, profits from commodity sales, foreign exchange earnings and profits from derivatives. Rent that derives from active work of employees, i.e. the entity has employees, is generally not seen as passive income.

Source of Wealth refers to the origin of the person’s entire body of wealth (i.e., total assets). This information will usually give an indication as to the volume of wealth the Customer would be expected to have, and a picture of how they acquired such wealth. Source of Wealth could be: income from salary, inheritance, gift/ donation, savings/ deposits, company profit/ dividends, sales (of property, shares), loan/ investments, etc.

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Please note the documents provided must be in English or Lithuanian languages.
In accordance to the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and Directive (EU) 2018/843 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, financial institutions are required to collect accurate and up-to-date information about the customer, beneficial owner, purpose and intended nature of the business relationship.