Registracijos forma verslo klientams

Mokesčių mokėtojo numeris arba TIN - tai individualus numeris, nustatytas asmenims ir įmonėms, mokesčių tikslais. Daugiau informacijos galima rasti: čia.

Skubus sąskaitos atidarymas trunka iki dviejų darbo dienų, taikomas papildomas mokestis.

Klausimas nerezidentams

Lėšų šaltinis nurodo tam tikrų lėšų ar kito turto, kuris yra verslo santykių arba sandorio objektas, kilmę.

Turto šaltinis nurodo viso asmens turto kilmę. Ši informacija paprastai nurodo, kiek turto klientas turėtų turėti, ir paaiškina, kaip jie įgijo tokį turtą.

European payment or SEPA - this type of transfer is beneficial when you need to transfer funds in euros to accounts in EU Member States or United Kingdom, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Andorra as well as in EEA – Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein.
Cross-border payment or SWIFT - this method is used to transfer funds to just about all countries of the world. The transfer is performed via correspondent accounts opened with correspondent banks, therefore you have to specify the details of your selected correspondent bank as well as the beneficiary’s account number and the bank’s BIC code.

Prašome atkreipti dėmesį, kad prašome šalių, kuriose Jūsų partneriai (tiekėjai) turi banko sąskaitas.
Neaptarnaujamų šalių ir industrijų sąrašas


Neaptarnaujamų šalių ir industrijų sąrašas


Prašome atkreipti dėmesį, jog pasirašantysis yra laikomas asmeniu, turinčiu įgaliojimą atstovauti savo įmonę Guru Pay, pasirašyti dokumentus, vykdyti operacijas ir patvirtinti papildomus vartotojus.


Mokesčių mokėtojo numeris arba TIN - tai individualus numeris, nustatytas asmenims ir įmonėms, mokesčių tikslais. Daugiau informacijos galima rasti: čia.

Politically Exposed Person or PEP - an individual who is entrusted with prominent public functions and immediate family members or persons known to be close associates of such person. Prominent public functions shall mean the following functions in the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union and international or foreign state institutions: 1) heads of State, heads of government, ministers, vice-ministers or deputy ministers, secretaries of State and chancellors of parliament, government or ministry; 2) members of parliament; 3) members of supreme courts, of constitutional courts or of other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to further appeal; 4) mayors of municipalities, directors of municipal administrations; 5) members of the management bodies of supreme audit and control institutions or chairs of the boards of central banks, deputy chairs or board members; 6) ambassadors, chargés d'affaires, envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary or high-ranking officers in the armed forces; 7) members of the management or supervisory bodies of state enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by the State; 8) members of the management or supervisory bodies of municipal enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by municipalities and which are considered to be large undertakings under the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting by Undertakings; 9) heads and deputy heads of international intergovernmental organisations and members of their management or supervisory bodies; 10) heads and deputy heads of political parties and members of their management bodies.


Mokesčių mokėtojo numeris arba TIN - tai individualus numeris, nustatytas asmenims ir įmonėms, mokesčių tikslais. Daugiau informacijos galima rasti: čia.

Politically Exposed Person or PEP - an individual who is entrusted with prominent public functions and immediate family members or persons known to be close associates of such person. Prominent public functions shall mean the following functions in the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union and international or foreign state institutions: 1) heads of State, heads of government, ministers, vice-ministers or deputy ministers, secretaries of State and chancellors of parliament, government or ministry; 2) members of parliament; 3) members of supreme courts, of constitutional courts or of other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to further appeal; 4) mayors of municipalities, directors of municipal administrations; 5) members of the management bodies of supreme audit and control institutions or chairs of the boards of central banks, deputy chairs or board members; 6) ambassadors, chargés d'affaires, envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary or high-ranking officers in the armed forces; 7) members of the management or supervisory bodies of state enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by the State; 8) members of the management or supervisory bodies of municipal enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by municipalities and which are considered to be large undertakings under the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting by Undertakings; 9) heads and deputy heads of international intergovernmental organisations and members of their management or supervisory bodies; 10) heads and deputy heads of political parties and members of their management bodies.


Mokesčių mokėtojo numeris arba TIN - tai individualus numeris, nustatytas asmenims ir įmonėms, mokesčių tikslais. Daugiau informacijos galima rasti: čia.

Politically Exposed Person or PEP - an individual who is entrusted with prominent public functions and immediate family members or persons known to be close associates of such person. Prominent public functions shall mean the following functions in the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union and international or foreign state institutions: 1) heads of State, heads of government, ministers, vice-ministers or deputy ministers, secretaries of State and chancellors of parliament, government or ministry; 2) members of parliament; 3) members of supreme courts, of constitutional courts or of other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to further appeal; 4) mayors of municipalities, directors of municipal administrations; 5) members of the management bodies of supreme audit and control institutions or chairs of the boards of central banks, deputy chairs or board members; 6) ambassadors, chargés d'affaires, envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary or high-ranking officers in the armed forces; 7) members of the management or supervisory bodies of state enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by the State; 8) members of the management or supervisory bodies of municipal enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by municipalities and which are considered to be large undertakings under the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting by Undertakings; 9) heads and deputy heads of international intergovernmental organisations and members of their management or supervisory bodies; 10) heads and deputy heads of political parties and members of their management bodies.

Lėšų šaltinis nurodo tam tikrų lėšų ar kito turto, kuris yra verslo santykių arba sandorio objektas, kilmę.

Turto šaltinis nurodo viso asmens turto kilmę. Ši informacija paprastai nurodo, kiek turto klientas turėtų turėti, ir paaiškina, kaip jie įgijo tokį turtą.


Mokesčių mokėtojo numeris arba TIN - tai individualus numeris, nustatytas asmenims ir įmonėms, mokesčių tikslais. Daugiau informacijos galima rasti: čia.

Politically Exposed Person or PEP - an individual who is entrusted with prominent public functions and immediate family members or persons known to be close associates of such person. Prominent public functions shall mean the following functions in the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union and international or foreign state institutions: 1) heads of State, heads of government, ministers, vice-ministers or deputy ministers, secretaries of State and chancellors of parliament, government or ministry; 2) members of parliament; 3) members of supreme courts, of constitutional courts or of other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to further appeal; 4) mayors of municipalities, directors of municipal administrations; 5) members of the management bodies of supreme audit and control institutions or chairs of the boards of central banks, deputy chairs or board members; 6) ambassadors, chargés d'affaires, envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary or high-ranking officers in the armed forces; 7) members of the management or supervisory bodies of state enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by the State; 8) members of the management or supervisory bodies of municipal enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by municipalities and which are considered to be large undertakings under the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting by Undertakings; 9) heads and deputy heads of international intergovernmental organisations and members of their management or supervisory bodies; 10) heads and deputy heads of political parties and members of their management bodies.

Lėšų šaltinis nurodo tam tikrų lėšų ar kito turto, kuris yra verslo santykių arba sandorio objektas, kilmę.

Turto šaltinis nurodo viso asmens turto kilmę. Ši informacija paprastai nurodo, kiek turto klientas turėtų turėti, ir paaiškina, kaip jie įgijo tokį turtą.

Maksimalus failo dydis: 10 MB

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Maksimalus failo dydis: 10 MB

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Maksimalus failo dydis: 10 MB

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Maksimalus failo dydis: 10 MB

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Maksimalus failo dydis: 10 MB

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Please note the documents provided must be in English or Lithuanian languages.
Remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktais ir Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyva (ES) 2018/843 dėl pinigų plovimo ir teroristų finansavimo prevencijos, finansų įstaigos privalo rinkti tikslią ir naujausią informaciją apie klientus, jų tikruosius savininkus, verslo santykių tikslą bei numatomą pobūdį.