Kaupiamoji sąskaita jei steigėjas – juridinis asmuo



Išvardinkite įmonės pavadinimus


Please provide details about newly established company's director (manager).
Director - manager of a newly established company as indicated in the Deed of Incorporation.


Prašome pateikti informaciją apie investuotoją, kuriam priklauso daugiau nei 25% naujai įkurtos bendrovės akcijų.


Mokesčių mokėtojo numeris arba TIN - tai individualus numeris, nustatytas asmenims ir įmonėms, mokesčių tikslais. Daugiau informacijos galima rasti: čia.


Please describe. Type of income can be:
1. Active - company is generating revenue from business activities;
2. Passive - passive income is typically; dividends, interest, rent, royalties, payments from life insurance, certain other insurance income, profits from the sale of assets that provide passive income, profits from commodity sales, foreign exchange earnings and profits from derivatives. Rent that derives from active work of employees, i.e. the entity has employees, is generally not seen as passive income.

Below please provide information about company's Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s).
Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) - natural person(s) who ultimately own or control the Customer by directly or indirectly holding or controlling 25 percent or more shares voting rights.


Mokesčių mokėtojo numeris arba TIN - tai individualus numeris, nustatytas asmenims ir įmonėms, mokesčių tikslais. Daugiau informacijos galima rasti: čia.


Please describe. Type of income can be:
1. Active - company is generating revenue from business activities;
2. Passive - passive income is typically; dividends, interest, rent, royalties, payments from life insurance, certain other insurance income, profits from the sale of assets that provide passive income, profits from commodity sales, foreign exchange earnings and profits from derivatives. Rent that derives from active work of employees, i.e. the entity has employees, is generally not seen as passive income.

Below please provide information about company's Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s).
Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) - natural person(s) who ultimately own or control the Customer by directly or indirectly holding or controlling 25 percent or more shares voting rights.


Maksimalus failo dydis: 10 MB

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File size:

Maksimalus failo dydis: 10 MB

File name:

File size:

Please prepare corporate documents of all investors (Business register/ Certificate of Incumbency) as we will ask to provide those during the onboarding process.
Please note that based on jurisdiction, documents may have to be certified with an Apostille or legalized.
Please note that Guru Pay reserves a right to ask for additional documents not indicated above.
Please note the documents provided must be in English or Lithuanian languages.
Remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktais ir Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyva (ES) 2018/843 dėl pinigų plovimo ir teroristų finansavimo prevencijos, finansų įstaigos privalo rinkti tikslią ir naujausią informaciją apie klientus, jų tikruosius savininkus, verslo santykių tikslą bei numatomą pobūdį.